Thursday, March 09, 2006

Oh, my aging brain...

I opened the Blogger Dashboard oh, about an hour ago. Before I had a chance to write anything, I served leftover birthday cake to two of my children, ate a banana, took a shower, and put Whitestrips on my teeth (hey, these things really DO work!). I was summoned downstairs once more to serve beverages to two of my children. In my bathrobe, still not finished with my post-shower toilette, I popped in here for a quick scan of my messageboards.

I saw the Dashboard open. I remembered that I had been about to blog something before succumbing to the multiple distractions I often face (I'm so easily led astray, you see).

No clue.

No clue whatsoever what it was that I was going to write about. Was it the near miss we experienced earlier when the kids' dresser tumbled forward to the floor? No. That's not it. That was a terrifying experience, and not one I care to relive in the written word just quite yet. What was it?

The world may never know. Or care.

I'm getting old.

What did I come in here for again?

And just who are you?

1 comment:

lemony said...

Just who am I? Well let me tell think I used to be somebody young and you remember? Well why not??

Muzzy-minded. I remember that.
