Thursday, March 16, 2006

Because she's bad, she's bad...

I have been informed via space-age email that my writing "sucks" and that my short fiction is "boring." Those are two of the repeatable words from the email - sent by someone who appears to be a stranger to me - that describes the writer's dim view of my words.

To the unknown correspondent: Thank you for your thoughtful review. I'll keep your suggestions in mind, and I will no longer be hog-tying you and forcing you to read my blog. That was very inconsiderate of me, and I'll be more mindful of your sensibilities in the future.

Does anyone have an eye-rolling icon for me?


Kate said...

I came across an eye-rolling emoticon on a board I used to's this:


Your writing most emphatically does not "suck". I read your tales of the family life, and get all warm'n'fuzzy. So there.

©Jac said...

Oh. my. heck. I gasped when I read that. What a "lovely" email to recieve.

Momma Star said...

What kind of twisted word-that's-unprintable emails someone like that?

Oh yeah, a jealous one.


kaliroz said...

Your writing certainly isn't unreadable ... but it sounds like that email was.

preTzel said...

Heh. SAHW, tell them to kiss your ass. They apparently are illiterate and wouldn't know "good" writing if it bit them in their eyes. What a mean and cruel thing to say!